Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Who Is Divorce Hardest For?

Getting a divorce is hard for everyone involved.

When you are a husband or wife, and you have made a decision to separate from your spouse and get a divorce, you face a lot of challenges. A divorce can be emotionally taxing for you. When you began your marriage, you probably thought it would last forever, so getting a divorce means the marriage that you began with such high hopes is crumbling in front of you. That can definitely hurt.

A divorce can also hurt a man or woman financially. If one of the spouses was the sole bread winner, they will now have to keep supporting their ex even though the marriage has ended. And if you are a partner who did not work, then you will be supported somewhat by your ex, but you will not enjoy the amount of financial stability that you had when you and your spouse shared all your finances.

Sometimes the biggest impact of a divorce, though, can be felt by the children. If a husband and wife had children during their marriage, one or ten it doesn't matter, then these children are going to be undergoing a huge change in their life. The family and stability that they grew up knowing will be gone in an instant. The structure that taught them about how society should work will vanish. The role models that they looked up to as an example of what a husband and wife should be will be tainted. It's easy to see from this that children are the ones that are hurt most in a divorce.

So when you are going through a divorce, it is important to have an attorney who will fight for what is best for the children when it comes to child custody. Some attorneys will push for sole custody for the mother, some will follow other guidelines, but what you really want is someone who can look at your specific family dynamic and champion the best choice for the children.

Some people getting divorced may believe that they do not need an attorney to represent them in their case, but when dealing with something as important as child custody, you should always have a lawyer there to help you ensure that your children are getting the best outcome.

Divorce is hard, but you can make it easier on your children. Hire an attorney the specializes in family law and who wants to help you do what's best for your children.

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